Suggested Meeting Guidelines
Welcome to the [Open Discussion, Closed Discussion, Open (Guest, Step, In-house) Speaker, Open Newcomers, Open/Closed Big Book**] meeting of the Lake Highlands Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. (**see schedule below)
My name is___________your name here__________ and I am an alcoholic.
Be courteous and silence your phones.
Read preamble: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Make announcement whether meeting is Closed or Open (see schedule above).
CLOSED: This is a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. In support of A.A.’s singleness of purpose, attendance at closed meetings is limited to persons who have a desire to stop drinking. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend this meeting. We ask that when discussing our problems, we confine ourselves to those problems as they relate to alcoholism.
OPEN: This is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are glad you are all here – especially newcomers. In keeping with our singleness of purpose and our Third Tradition that states “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking,” we ask that all who participate confine their discussion to their problems with alcohol.
Have “asked” persons to read “How It Works” and “The Twelve Traditions”. thank them
“We have a custom of offering a Desire Chip to anyone who would like to try our way of life to those coming to their first meeting or any person returning to the fellowship.”
Sunday 8pm – please REMEMBER to offer Monthly Chips
Discussion Meeting: Have each person introduce themselves and give his or hers sobriety if he or she desires.
Ask for a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.
Non-speaker Meetings: Have topic prepared or read from ‘Daily Refections’ or ask group for a topic related to alcoholism. In your comments – “It is suggested you stay in the solution & meeting topic”. The purpose of this meeting is to share our experience, strength, and hope.” (If the meeting is large, suggest to the group that they limit their remarks so that everyone may have a chance to talk.)
Speaker Meetings: Welcome & Introduce Speaker
At a few minutes before the end of meeting offer ‘Desire Chip’ again. Ask if any visitors would like to be recognized.
Practice the ‘7th Tradition’ ( Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. ) during announcements.
Close the meeting with the ‘Lord’s Prayer’.
AFTER THE MEETING: Enclose 7th Tradition collection and coffee/ literature money in collection envelope, mark envelope appropriately and drop into safe (located in closet in our restroom). Envelopes located in front pocket of notebook else see behind podium. After the 8pm meeting prepare an Orange Can envelope & deposit into safe.
After Noon / 8pm Meeting
Turn-off perimeter ceiling fans. Switch is by the thermostat. Turn-off coffee pots and all lights. Lock the door..