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Committee to Reopen Recommendations

Writer's picture: lhgvirtuallhgvirtual

Reopening Recommendations

Following the June 7, 2020 Group Conscience meeting, an ad hoc committee was formed to prepare a list of recommendations to guide the reopening of the physical Lake Highlands Family AA Group location. The Reopening Committee members are Greg L., Lee Ann W., Lenny S., Lily S., and Wes R.

After considering the current CDC guidelines, insight from other DFW AA groups that have reopened, and input from group members, in preparation for the June 21, 2020 Group Conscience meeting, the Committee proposes the following:

General Reopening:

The Committee recommends reopening the group’s physical location on July 1, 2020.

Members should use their own common sense when attending in-person meetings, including not attending when they feel unwell or have a fever, washing their hands often, and avoiding handshaking and hugging.

Members should comply with six-feet social distancing when inside the group space.

A no-touch thermometer will be available at the group.

Schedules/Chairing meetings

The Committee proposes resuming with a full schedule at the physical location on July 1, 2020, except for the following:

· The 8:00 p.m. Monday and Sunday outside speaker meetings will be only held via Zoom through the end of August. No meetings will be held at the physical location at 8 p.m. Monday and Sunday through the end of August.

· Monthly Birthday Nights will be held at their regular times on Zoom.

· Group Conscience meetings will be held at their regular times on Zoom.

The Committee proposes that Zoom meetings continue at their current regular schedule.

Sign-up calendars for in-person and Zoom meetings will be posted to the group’s website so that members may sign up to chair meetings for July.


The Committee recommends attendees wear masks inside while not in their seats to ensure six-feet social distancing. Attendees should wear masks upon entering and exiting the group meeting room and when not otherwise in their seats. When attendees are in their seats, they may remove their masks.

The group will supply disposable masks for those who arrive without a mask.


In compliance with CDC guidelines, the LHG physical space allows for 37 people to be seated with their chairs six feet apart.

Chair spacing will be marked, and attendees should not rearrange chairs.

At speaker meetings, only the speaker will speak from behind podium. The chairperson and designated readers will speak from their seats.

Based upon the LHG Group’s constant thought of the newcomer, the Committee is certain that, if all seats are taken and a newcomer enters to attend the meeting, a regular member will offer to give the newcomer his/her seat.

The chairperson will coordinate with another attendee to keep track of how many seats are open. If all seats are taken and more people enter, attendees who are already seated could give up their seats, and handouts with the group’s Zoom information and schedule will also be available.


Hand sanitizer will be available around the room, as well as outside the door and upon entry.

Soap and paper towels will be available in bathrooms, as usual.

Additional disinfectant and cleaning supplies will be purchased prior to reopening.

Members are responsible for disposing of their own trash.

Attendees will be responsible for spraying their chairs after the meeting. Lysol and/or alcohol-based spray will be available around the room for spraying chairs.

Cleaning and sanitizing of frequently-touched surfaces will occur after each meeting by chairperson and helpful attendees.

Disinfecting wipes will be placed in the restrooms, and attendees who choose to use the facilities should wipe down the surfaces they touch.

Either the chairperson or his/her designee will be the last out of the room so that the door handles can be wiped down.

Seventh Tradition

The Seventh Tradition basket will not be passed but will remain on the chairperson table.

Donations may also be made via Venmo and PayPal.

Food and Coffee

The coffee bar will not be in service.

Snacks will not be provided.

Please do not bring food to meetings.


Hardcopy books will not be provided at this time. Attendees should download a copy of the Big Book and Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions on their smart phones or bring their own physical copies.

For the Saturday 8 p.m. meeting in which we traditionally read from Experience, Strength, and Hope, we will read from the stories at the back of the Big Book.


Desire chips will be available on the podium. If someone wants to pick up a chip, he/she may pick it up from the podium.


Signs reminding members of the group’s reopening protocols will be placed on the front door and around the room.

The chairperson’s guide will be updated to include the pertinent foregoing suggestions.

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