Meeting called to order at 2:15 pm by Patty N with Serenity Prayer and 12 Traditions reading.
By 2:25 there were 14 members present:
Patty N
Diane N
Matt C
Cindy H
Cory R
Johnny R
Lesa C
Maggie M
Meghan B
Niquette K
Stephanie M
Greg G
Lesa C read the minutes from 5/16/21. Greg suggested an amendment that the GC and Bday will begin in person in October because elections are in Sept. Approved.
· Treasurer – Matt C: We are in good financial shape, beginning to gain. Accepted with no amendments.
· Co-chair: Position is open. Maggie M offered to fill the position until September elections. Maggie elected unanimously.
· Step-speaker chair: Not present, but all Monday night speakers are covered per Christy.
· Secretary – Position open: Cory R. volunteered and was elected.
· GSR – P Paul M and Caton were not present but provided minutes from the June District 53 meeting to LH Chairperson, Patty, who read them.
· Intergroup – Niquette: Intergroup is narrowing down on their new location. More volunteers are needed in person during the week. They have stocked Dallas area libraries. Need volunteers for Bridge the Gap program. Citywide July 10, 2021. IG will not meet in person until at least Sept. Report accepted.
· Literature – Drew: had to buy monthly chips and newcomer packets, a case of books, some 12X12 and large print BBs. Good on all chips. Accepted
· Supplies – Lori J: not present. Restocked everything and checks supply levels weekly. Text her directly if you need anything. Accepted
· Clean-up – Diane N: group is pretty clean, people have been stepping up and helping, which is great. Keep it going.
· Maintenance – Dustin: not present for second month. Secretary needs to post that the maintenance position is now open. Patty calling him to find out if he can still do it.
· Grapevine – Lesa C: Grape-a-thon was a success. 1/5th of the attendees were from Lake Highlands. Sr. Editor spoke and discussed books on the Grapevine site. All books are conference approved. July issue is out and it’s the annual prison issue. Coming July 31, La Niña-a-Thon (first ever.) This will be a 100% Spanish-speaking event, with Spanish to English translation available. Stories and photos are needed for the Grapevine! If you want to submit, see the Grapevine website. Report accepted.
· Treatment – Meghan B: Green Oaks - as many people as want to go can. No change Turtle Creek. Maggie’s is allowing outside chairpeople but groups may not bring meetings. Nexus – to volunteer there requires an application, background check, and orientation. Meghan has been working with the Nexus volunteer coordinator who asked LH to choose a day of the week that is good for us. They are reopening slowly to outside groups and 4 groups send meetings now. Meghan will be putting this one aside, as it has been difficult to put this together. People have applications but have not gotten back to Meghan so it’s difficult to tell Nexus a specific committed day and time for us. Approved.
· Corrections – Lilly: Not present
· B-Day – Nancy: Not present, but plans to host for June.
· IT – Clay: Present but nothing to report
· Church liaison – Greg: Has followed through on May actions. Met with church on June 2. Fire alarm people will be addressing the beeping. Noise bleed is from the doors adjacent to the church. Some have large gaps underneath. Church will be applying weatherstripping to reduce noise. Further noise-abatement actions have been discussed and can be done as necessary. Greg does not see that anything has been done yet. Lease expires August 15, but church has not responded to the request to sit down and talk about it. Greg and clean-out team has discovered a lot of pictures of Lake Highlands events to be hung on back wall of step-study room (a picture wall.) Approved
Ad Hoc Committees: None
Old Business: None
New Business:
1. John R moved that the group reinstate 7:00 am meetings on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays on a 6-month trial basis and to let Intergroup know to update the website. Chairpeople have been identified: John S. will chair Thursdays; John R will chair Monday and Tuesday until the meetings get up and running. John R suggested that these be closed meetings. (Motion as read: Resume 7:00 am in-person, closed meetings on a six-month trial basis beginning July 1 so they may be listed on the intergroup website.) Seconded by Maggie.
Discussion note – we don’t give intergroup info about “trial” meetings because they may or may not work.
Vote: 9; Opposed: 0
2. Maggie M moved that the group eliminate Saturday Zoom meetings due to a lack of chairpeople signing up. Noon zoom meetings in May no chair entire month per the calendar. Usually 9-12 people attend even if no one signs up. Maggie wished to retract, so vote was 0 approve, unanimous not approval.
Lesa C. read the new preamble. (men and women becomes “people”).
Meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer at 3:40 pm.
June motions, for our records:
