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GC Minutes 5-16-21

Writer's picture: lhgvirtuallhgvirtual

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

[REVISED] Meeting Minutes

of the Board of Trusted Servants of

The Lake Highlands Family Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Meeting Date: May 16, 2021

· Chairperson: Patty N. called to order at 2:18pm

· List of attendees: Lily S, Patty N, Maggie M, Caton C, Lesa C, Drew, Meredith P, John S, Margaret W, Cindy, Paul M, Diane N, Matt C, Jack M, Hadley, Kelley, Garrett G, Kregg H, Jon G, Carolyn B, Melanie Z, Lesa C., Regina B, Lori J, Cheryl M, Greg G, Nancy B, Niquette K, Lea Ann W, Wes R, Alexandra L, Jim L, Kelly S, Johnny R, Lee A, Lenny S, Meghan B, Cory, Elisabeth S., Christie M.

· Serenity prayer

· Traditions

· Secretaryvacant position - Lori J read the minutes she took last month until her internet froze up, Patty N finished reading minutes from April GC meeting -- they were passed

· Treasurer’s Report – Matt C. reported that:

o Contributions: $3719.40 (AA) + $30 (Alanon) - $3749.40 Total

o majority cash at group:

o Venmo:

o PayPal:

o expenses: $3797.53 ($3200 rent)

o contributions to Greater AA and other groups $80.00

o net loss of: $128.13

o noted pretty decent because it was our first month back in our physical space

o $ 13533.11 prudent reserve

o report passed

· Co-Chair Reportvacant position - Dianne N noted meetings at group covered for most part; lots of June openings; only 1/4 of the Zoom meetings are covered - having hard time covering them; report passed.

· Step Speaker report – Christie M. - Need speakers for Aug. Nov. Dec., though her reign ends in October. Report accepted.

· GSR report - Paul M deferred to Caton; District 53 meeting was May 2: District Corrections and CPC/PI positions open; Intergroup looking for new location; assembly coming up; Caton C will post to our Facebook group and bulletin boards at group; Texas state convention coming up in June; report passed

· Intergroup report - (Niquette) - new office location search underway; in negotiations with a few venues; chili cookoff may happen in February as more groups reopen in-person rooms; Green Oaks has some openings for meetings there. report passed

· Literature report - (Drew) - going to pick up more literature next day; report passed

· Supplies report - (Lori) - paper towels needed; report passed

· Cleanup report - (Dianne N) - cleaning Sunday before or after 6pm if anyone wants to come help; report passed

· Maintenance report - (Dustin S) - not in attendance, no report

· Grapevine report - (Lesa C) - Grapeathon next weekend May 23 over Zoom; looking for members with experience; Lesa had some questions about her responsibilities; Matt said Grapevine comes in mail and he opens them and puts them on rack on back wall; report passed

· Treatment Centers report - (Meghan B) - Green Oaks is same (2 meetings/week, 4 people/meeting) DJ is contact; males only at Turtle Creek Tuesday nights - Paul M is contact - need more attendees - Tuesday 8-9, you need to be vaccinated; Nexus: in order to take a meeting there, we would have to apply, attend training, background check, and drug screening; Nexus is backed up/orientations full; Hadley C indicated interest in taking meetings to Nexus; Maggie's House - waiting to get in touch with staff; John S volunteered to pick up a case of books from Intergroup and take them to Green Oaks; can check with district at next GSR meeting for books; typically Treatment Center rep coordinates with Literature chair to get books to treatment center; split a case of books between GO and TC to be taken to meetings and passed out to

· Church Laison: Greg G. Our lease needs to be negotiated with the church, as it expires in August 2021. They have been made aware that we want a 3-year lease as opposed to the 2 one-year lease that we have now. We also want a self-help clause included. The ball is in their court to accept or reject our proposals. Noise concerns have been addressed with Ryan.

1) Band practice on Good Friday. Ryan says it will not happen again. However, similar events will be taking place in June, July, & August. Days & times have not been specified. 2) Ryan will work with us to find solutions to the reverberation noise problem coming from their atrium & also the beeping noise problem. Greg has suggestions he received from experts. He will contact Ryan to schedule a meeting. Report accepted.

· Corrections report - (Lily S) - jails and prisons are reopening for meetings; have money to submit for purchase of books; will find out about whether we can donate used Grapevines

· Birthday Night report - (Nancy B) – She’s ready to go with the drive-by chips and Zoom meeting on Sunday, May 30.

New Business

1) Greg G motioned to open the coffee bar back up. Motion passed unanimously. Coffee bar will open on June 1, 2021.

2) Mindy motioned to bring the speaker meetings back to in person. Motion passed unanimously. Speaker meetings will resume in person starting June 1, 2021.

3) John S motioned for Group Conscience to return to in-person. Motion amended to Group Conscience return to in person starting November 2021, after fall elections. Motion passed.

Group Conscience will return [REV] to in person October 17, 2021.

4) John S motioned for Birthday Night to return to in person. Amended to Birthday Night return to in person after fall elections. Motion passed. Birthday Night will [REV] be in person, October 31, 2021

5) Jack had a wish, not a motion, though it was on the list of motions. Motioned/Not Motioned to have a civil discussion about the Covid-19 Safety Restrictions that have been in place. When he presented his motion he said he was satisfied that the discussion had already been happening occurring during the Group Conscience organically.

6) Drew motioned to discuss the mask requirement. He thinks masks should be discretionary. Motion amended to include that a courtesy sign be posted at the group stating that “masks are optional”. Motion passed. A courtesy sign will be posted at the group stating that wearing masks is optional. Effective June 1, 2021.

7) Diane N motioned that the zoom meeting schedule be trimmed back to 2 meetings a day: 1:00pm & 7:00pm. Motion amended to the Zoom meeting schedule be changed to 2 meetings a day: Noon & 7:00pm, except on Wednesdays. The Wednesday 6:00pm meeting will remain. Motion passed. The Zoom meeting schedule will change to 2 meetings a day: Noon & 7:00pm, except on Wednesdays. The Wednesday 6:00pm meeting will remain. Effective June 1, 2021.

Meeting adjourned at 5:28pm

Respectfully submitted by Maggie M. & Lily S.

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