Email your nomination to
April 8, 2020
To: Lake Highlands AA Members
From: Secretary, Lake Highlands AA Group
We are currently taking nominations for open Trusted Servant positions. These positions will be elected at the Group Conscience Meeting on May 17, 2020. The term for each of these positions begins immediately upon election and runs through September, 2020. PLEASE REMEMBER to secure the permission of the person you’re nominating BEFORE writing in their name and to ensure they understand the qualifications and responsibilities of the office.
Maintenance Chair
Sobriety Requirement: 6 months
Term of Service: 6 months
Responsibilities of Office:
1. Performs regular maintenance of minor group facilities needs
2. Coordinates with outside professionals for major maintenance needs
3. Presents report of performed and scheduled maintenance activities at all Group-Conscience meetings
Name Contact Information
____Jennifer J____________ _________________________
____Austin O'.______________ _________________________
________________________ _________________________
Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months
Term of Service: 6 Months
Should possess basic word-processing and electronic file management skills
Responsibilities of Office:
1. Maintains records of all group business activities.
a. Takes minutes at all group-conscience meetings
b. Distributes previous meeting minutes at all group-conscience meetings
c. Maintains records of all meeting minutes in Secretary’s Archive notebook
2. Maintains and posts current copies of all group documents
a. Agenda sheets for motions presented to group-conscience
i. Posted for full month to notify group of up-coming activity
ii. Motions accepted only up to 7 days prior to group-conscience meeting
b. Nomination sheets for election of group officers
i. Posted for full month prior to elections
c. Add/Update Sheet for new or changed phone numbers
i. Posted constantly
ii. Phone list updated regularly
d. Printed copies of Phone-List handouts
e. Printed copies of Meeting-Schedule handouts
3. Maintains all group bulletin boards
a. A.A. Related Postings
b. Lake Highlands Group Related Postings
c. Personal Statements (non-A.A. postings)
Name Contact Information
Lori J. (Leaving Grapevine position) _________________________
________________________ _________________________
________________________ _________________________
Treatment Facilities Representative:
Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months
Term of Service: 6 Months
Responsibilities of Office:
1. Serves as Group Liaison with Intergroup and District TF committee coordinating treatment center meetings
2. Work to help hospital and treatment center staff better understand AA
3. Take AA tools of recovery to Alcoholics in treatment
4. Encourages group members to join in this responsibility
Name Contact Information
__Niquette K.______ _________________________
________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
IT Administrator
Sobriety Requirement: 1 year
Term of Service: 1 year
Should possess ability to edit and maintain a Wix website
Should possess basic IT skills
Responsibilities of Office:
1. Maintain and revise group website
2. Provide other IT services as needed, including administration of group's Zoom platform
Clay S.
Corrections Representative
Sobriety Requirement: 6 months
Term of Service: 6 months
Responsibilities of Office: 1. Serve as Group Liaison with Intergroup and District Corrections committee coordinating meetings 2. Take AA meetings to Alcoholics in prisons and jails 3. May also serve as correspondents and AA contacts when inmates are released (Bridging-The-Gap) 4. Encourage group members to join in this responsibility
Meredith B.
Mandy Schulz