Meeting Minutes
of the Board of Trusted Servants of
The Lake Highlands Family Group of Alcoholics Anonymous
Meeting Date: March 21, 2021
Chairperson: Lily S. opened the meeting at 2:15 pm on the group’s Zoom platform, welcoming those in attendance, and then asked the group for a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. The twelve traditions were read.
List of attendees: Lilly, Laura T., Matt C., Catherine, Diane N., Nancy B., Drew, Chet, Greg G. Kim Z., Lori, Meghan, Niquette, Kelly,
Secretary – Laura T. read the minutes of the November Group Conscience meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was seconded and approved unanimously
Treasurer’s Report – Matt C. reported that:
Contributions in February $2,385
Expenses: $711.92
Net gain/Loss -$1,673.72
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Co-Chair Report – Patty – Very under-served in April. Maybe it’s because of people anticipating the doors opening. Please share the need for chairs, or chair. Please always announce the need for chairs at meeting announcement time.
Anticipation of the opening is end of this week. We will need to post online for people to sign up to chair.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Church Liaison Report – Greg – The trim people went in on Friday. Will be back to finish soon. Last week the churches plumber backed out and pushed us to April. Greg called our own Stanley S. and he will work on plumbing this week. We should have all construction complete by end of this week and able to reopen this weekend or Monday.
Got a start yesterday on cleaning things up. Pulled out chairs and started hanging stuff of the walls. He will go back later today to finish up.
There are no calendars in the books inhouse so requested we get those put in the books for chair sign up. Chet will cover all the noon meetings.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Intergroup Report – Niquette – Meeting from March 11th, the only real news is that the special events coordinator, Charlie is looking for locations for Chili Cook off. Looking for recommendations for about 100 people. Preferably outdoors. Never received newsletter survey form from Intergroup. She will be looking for it. She will be able to update the in house meeting info. At Intergroup.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Grapevine Report – Tracey H.- Nothing to report. Resubmitted application to be LH AA representative.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Corrections – Open Position
Treatment Centers Report – Kim Z – Can be 4 people now at Green Oaks meetings. Heard Nexxus has in house meeting now. She will find out. Paul will call Turtle Creek today. He will give Kim the contact at Nexxus. DJ is the point of contact with Green Oaks. Paul will take hold of the Turtle Creek role.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Maintenance Report – Dustin – Apologized for not being here last month. Been in contact with Greg. Went up there this week. Got ceiling tiles changed out. They didn’t hide speaker wires when the installed baseboards. He will try to run those against the wall. Dustin’s wife wants to put curtains up. Asked if that was ok.
Greg has been trying to talk to the women about getting curtains in the meeting room. If Dustin’s wife would be willing to do that it would be great.
Greg has ordered some black wire management to tuck wire away.
Patty – She loves being able to look outside. She would like for the curtains to not be put up.
Lily – No formal motion about the windows.
Greg – Just the bathroom and storage rooms, not the meeting room.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Literature Report – Kelly S. – Not here. She will make sure chips and literature are up to date.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Supplies – Patty R- Not present. She will go by the group to check on supplies. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Clean-Up Report – Chet- Went Thursday with Greg and Saturday with George. They cleaned and dusted furniture, etc. Clean up is on pause due to status of room.
GSR Report – Paul M – Paul did not attend the March 7th meeting but Caton did. She could not be here today for GC. Paul shared the report on zoom for review. Lake Highlands was recognized as a consistent giver.
Monthly contribution was $256.35. Balance of $2,266.20 ($30.32 over prudent reserve).
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Step Speaker Report – Caton – We are set for step speakers.
Birthday Night Chair – Position is open.
IT – Clay S. – The email address that the other treasurer was using. He said there are a few floating around. He will lock that down. A few problems with Links. He will work on that. Lords Prayer is updated. Has everything with Matt set up so group is paying for Zoom and website will be updated annually. Still trying to make the process simplified for when someone else steps in it will be easier. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Old Business – Lily asked Greg about the toilet situations. Greg said the church received two toilet donations ready for our use.
New Business:
Motion – That the Safety Card for AA Groups be read at meetings. Patty read the safety card.
Nancy said that LH is a safe meeting. It might should be posted on the bulletin board and not read. It’s too long.
Greg said we just addressed a year ago. Came up with that LH is a safe place and we have people and procedures in place as situations arise. The length is way to long.
Matt felt it was addressed a year ago. Suggest that it be posted by the front door. This was voted upon and did not pass. It will not be read at the meetings.
Elections: Lilly stated that the new terms will be effective April 1st. She read descriptions of each position before voting.
Chairperson – Patty has been nominated. She has accepted the position.
Co-Chair – Diane will continue to chair until someone is found to replace.
Secretary – No nominations. Laura remains right now.
Step Speaker Chair – Paul M. volunteered to help get speakers.
Literature – Drew was nominated and accepted nominations.
Supplies – Lori self nominated and accepted position.
Clean Up – Diane N. self nominated and accepted position.
Maintenance – Dustin is nominated. He accepts position.
Grapevine – Tracey will continue until replacement is found.
Treatment Facilities Rep. – Meghan self-nominated and accepted position.
Corrections Rep. – Paul nominated Chet. He had to decline due to previous commitments with Oxford. Lily then self-nominated for this position.
Birthday Night Chair – Nancy be self nominated and accepted position.
Lily S. closed the meeting at 3:40 pm with the Serenity Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Turner, Secretary