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Group conscience motions and nominations 9/20/20

Writer's picture: lhgvirtuallhgvirtual

Submitted 09/11/20 - By Wes R

1. Take off "If Newcomer in need of assistance please contact one of the people below name and numbers" the main and replace with our phone number and address.

2. Open Coffee Bar

3. Motion to amend in-person meeting requirement to allow attendees to remove masks when seated. If you are currently not attending in person meetings, PLEASE abstain from voting.

Trusted Servant Positions: (requirements, term, responsibilities)

  • Each elected trusted servant of The Group is expected to attend all Group-Conscience meetings. Absence at 2 consecutive, monthly meetings shall constitute removal from position thus opening nominations for a replacement.

  • Nominees must be willing & able to attend monthly meetings.

  • You may either self-nominate yourself or another Lake Highlands AA member, If you nominate someone, it is the courteous thing to do to let them know you have nominated them and why. If you self-nominate or are nominated by someone else, please be present at the Group Conscience Meeting on Sept. 20.

  • New positions are effective October 1, 2020. There is a full description of each position in the back of the Chairman’s Meeting Notebook binder and on the website, descriptions of the available jobs are also posted below.


Position: Name:


Lily S



Laura T

Intergroup Representative:

Caton C

Niquette K

Grapevine-La Vina Representative:

Corrections Representative:

Treatment Facilities Representative:

Kimberly Z.

Maintenance Chair:

Literature Chair:

Supplies Chair:

Clean up Chair:

Wes R.

Birthday Night Assistant Rep:


  • Sobriety Requirement: 2 Years

  • Term of Service: 6 months

  • Should have working knowledge of the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous as related to group service

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Coordinates activities with other group officers assuring smooth functioning of the group

  2. Serves as chairperson at all business and special event meetings during elected term

  3. Seeks resolution for all Group issues/concerns presented by members during elected term

  4. Assures chairperson is scheduled for all recovery meetings

  5. Assures speakers are scheduled for all Step-Speaker and Special Event meetings

  6. Assures group actions and activities comply with A.A.’s Twelve Traditions


  • Sobriety Requirement: 1 Year

  • Term of Service: 6 months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Assists the Chairperson in meeting the duties and responsibilities of that office

  • Assumes primary responsibility for meeting chairperson scheduling

  1. Serves as chairperson at all business and special event meetings in Chairperson’s absence

Knowledge earned through this position should be considered for succeeding current Chairperson


  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

  • Should possess basic word-processing and electronic file management skills

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Maintains records of all group business activities.

    1. Takes minutes at all group-conscience meetings

    2. Distributes previous meeting minutes at all group-conscience meetings

    3. Maintains records of all meeting minutes in Secretary’s Archive notebook

  1. Maintains and posts current copies of all group documents

    1. Agenda sheets for motions presented to group-conscience

      1. Posted for full month to notify group of up-coming activity

      2. Motions accepted only up to 7 days prior to group-conscience meeting

  1. Nomination sheets for election of group officers

    1. Posted for full month prior to elections

  1. Add/Update Sheet for new or changed phone numbers

    1. Posted constantly

    2. Phone list updated regularly

  1. Printed copies of Phone-List handouts

  2. Printed copies of Meeting-Schedule handouts

  1. Maintains all group bulletin boards

    1. A.A. Related Postings

    2. Lake Highlands Group Related Postings

    3. Personal Statements (non-A.A. postings)

Intergroup Representative:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 1 Year

  • Term of Service: 1 Year

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Attends Dallas Intergroup meetings

  2. Keeps the group well informed about what the local Intergroup is doing

  3. Reports activities of the group to the Intergroup office

    1. Special events

    2. Changes in meeting scheduling or format

Literature Chair:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Maintains sufficient inventory of conference approved books, pamphlets and packets

  2. Maintains sufficient inventory of sobriety chips and medallions

    1. Checks Birthday-Board prior to monthly meeting assuring stock of all needed medallions

  1. Presents itemized receipt of all purchases to Group Treasurer for payment process

  2. Presents itemized report of purchases and inventory at all Group-Conscience meetings

Supplies Chair:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Maintains sufficient inventory of all supplies necessary for group activities

  2. Presents itemized receipt of all purchases to Group Treasurer for payment process

  3. Presents itemized report of purchases and inventory at all Group-Conscience meetings

Clean-up Chair:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Coordinates with Supplies Chair in maintaining stock of necessary cleaning materials

  2. Performs regular cleaning of all group areas

    1. Arrange schedule of group volunteers for assistance

  1. Presents report of performed and scheduled activities at all Group-Conscience meetings

Maintenance Chair:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Performs regular maintenance of minor group facilities needs

  2. Coordinates with outside professionals for major maintenance needs

  3. Presents report of performed and scheduled activities at all Group-Conscience meetings

Grapevine-La Vina Representative:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Participate in activities of the Area’s Grapevine Committees

  2. Announce the arrival of new magazines at the Group-Conscience each month

  3. Encourage members to submit articles

  4. Familiarize members with the Fellowship’s International Journal, (meeting-in-print)

Treatment Facilities Representative:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Serves as Group Liaison with Intergroup and District TF committee coordinating treatment center meetings

  2. Work to help hospital and treatment center staff better understand AA

  3. Take AA tools of recovery to Alcoholics in treatment

  4. Encourages group members to join in this responsibility

Corrections Representative:

  • Sobriety Requirement: 6 Months

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Serves as Group Liaison with Intergroup and District Corrections committee coordinating meetings

  2. Takes AA meetings to Alcoholics in prisons and jails

  3. May also serve as correspondents and AA contacts when inmates are released (Bridging-The-Gap)

  4. Encourages group members to join in this responsibility

Birthday Night Assistant Rep:

  • Term of Service: 6 Months

Responsibilities of Office:

  1. Helps assist in getting birthday night set up.

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