Meeting Minutes
of the Board of Trusted Servants of
The Lake Highlands Family Group of Alcoholics Anonymous
Meeting Date: July 19, 2020
Chairperson, Wes R. opened the meeting at 2:19 pm on the group’s Zoom platform, welcoming those in attendance, and then asked the group for a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. The twelve traditions were read.
Attendees included: Cindy H., Lea Ann W., Jan W., Kirsten S., Kelly S., Doug L., Katie H., Karen H., Brittain M., Niquette K., Genie R., Lenny, Meghan B., Greg G., Maggie M., Caton C., Austin O., Teresa L., Lesa, Tracey H., Kregg H., David S., Celeste H., Crystal S. Dianne N., Tracy H., Paul M., Cameron C., Clay S., Lily S.
Secretary – Lori J. read the minutes of the May group conscience meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was seconded and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – Crystal S. reported that for June:
Total Income: $2,250.74 total income; $1,264.74 from Paypal, $771 from Venmo and $215 in checks;
Beginning balance 5/1/20 was $6,153.64.
Expenses: $3,200 rent, $25.51 and $6.95 bank fee for a $981.72 net loss.
Transferred from prudent reserves to bring balance of operating account to $6,450; as of today, balance of $10,293.54.
Wes R. noted that income is way down, causing us to dip into prudent reserves, and everyone should contribute.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Co-Chair Report – position open, no report. Wes R. noted that many meetings do not have chairpersons and group members need to step up to chair meetings.
Clean-Up Report –Paul M. no report.
Maintenance Report – Jennifer J. nor Michael W. present; no report.
Supplies – Jan W. reported supplies were in place for reopening of the group, but she has not been there and asked if anyone was aware of anything needed. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Literature Report – Steve W. stated no purchases were made and nothing to report.
Treatment Centers Report – Niquette K. said treatment centers still closed to in-person meetings. Nothing to report.
Grapevine Report – Position open, no report given.
Intergroup Report – Meghan B. reported Intergroup contributions and merchandise sales yielded $870 net income. Intergroup has only two staffers and orders/pickup of literature are Tuesday & Thursday only. There are reports of no one at the group when newcomers arrived. Turtle Creek has opened one meeting with only one male at a time. Anniversary celebration is on hold. Bridge the Gap (helps people coming out of jails & prisons) needs volunteers, as does NightWatch. Three volunteers are needed to serve on the Intergroup Board; ask Meghan B. for info. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
GSR Report – Cameron C. (alternate for Kirsten S.) reported that Turtlecreek is male only now; most groups are doing zoom meetings only. Grapevine conference coming soon, will post info. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Step Speaker Report - Teresa L. reported that speakers for July & August will be via Zoom; she would like to add to next meeting’s agenda to make speaker meetings until end of year via Zoom. Speaker meeting attendance has been good, more than 30 people most Mondays. She has speakers scheduled through December. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Church Liaison Report – LeaAnn reported that she was contacted regarding van/SUV of people living in the parking lot, and that the pastor was aware. Yesterday, she received a call from George?, who takes care of small circle of grass in front of the group, asking why water spigot locked & please use a pitcher of water to water the grass.
Greg G. asked how church’s closing on 7/5 affects the group staying open, and LeaAnn W. responded that she has not discussed it with Ryan. A motion to accept the report was seconded and approved unanimously.
Birthday Chair – position open, no report.
Old Business – No old business.
New Business: Wes R. reported that there were no nominations for any of the open positions.
IT – Clay S. stated that he was not on Wes R.’s list, but he had nothing to report.
Wes R. stated that agenda items must be put on bulletin board one week in advance of Group Conscience meeting. Meghan B. asked for clarification of the bulletin board. Wes R. stated that the website is now the bulletin board that everyone can access, and that members should email Clay S. who will post on the website.
Greg G. stated that there was old business to be discussed; Wes R. stated that nothing would be addressed that was not on the board. He then closed the meeting with the serenity prayer at 2:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Jefferson, Secretary